Auto Accident 10.19.2021

Detroit Electric-Scooter on Sidewalk Safety Risks

In some Michigan cities there many new electric scooters and electric bikes riding on its streets and sidewalks. A recent article from Consumer Reports highlights the latest data regarding the safety risks associated with riding electric scooters on sidewalks. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) found that riding electric scooters on sidewalks is dangerous for riders and pedestrians.

The IIHS is without any clear vision of where and how electric scooters should be operated, they pose serious safety hazards for riders and pedestrians on sidewalks. Their research noted the types of injuries related to operating electric scooters and the risks of not wearing helmets while riding them, were similar to motorcycle and bicycle injuries.

Electric Scooter Rider Injuries Due to Crashes

The IIHS found that electric scooter riders sustained more injuries per mile than bicyclists and were twice as likely to be injured due to potholes, pavement cracks, lampposts, and signposts. Although, bicyclists were three times as likely to be hit by motor vehicles.

IHHS compared statistics involving injuries sustained by electric scooter riders and bicyclists. The severity of injuries appeared similar but on different parts of the body. For example, the study found most electric scooter riders do not wear helmets, so many injuries involved skull fractures and loss of consciousness in electric scooter crashes. The IIHS is recommended helmet use, in addition to better maintaining travel surfaces, in hopes of helping reduce injuries to electric scooter operators.

Michigan Electric Scooter Law

Michigan law allows electric scooters, MCL 257.657, to operate much like bicycles in bike lanes, on roads and sidewalks. E-scooters, electric skateboards and electric bicycles are required to follow the same laws while on the roadway. E-scooters and E-bikes are not allowed on streets where the speed limit is above 25 miles per hour. MCL 257.660.

As with bicycles, pedestrians always have the right-of-way on sidewalks. Use extra caution and reduce your speed when operating near pedestrians and bicyclists.

Motorized electric scooters are available to use through phone apps provided by their respective vendor. Currently, Michigan’s definition for motorized skateboards [MCL 257.13f] includes electric scooters as well.

Electric Scooters Pose a Danger to Pedestrians

Electric scooters also pose a danger to pedestrians. Michigan laws cap e-scooter speeds at 45 miles per hour on level surfaces, injuries to pedestrians are mitigated and reduced. At this time, the IIHS doesn’t seem to have any solution on where electric scooters should be allowed to ride. Sidewalks can be full of cracks and potholes and pedestrians but riding on the street puts them in car traffic, which is many times too fast, and being closer to larger and crashworthy motor vehicles can be more dangerous.

Detroit Electric Scooter Accidents

If you or a loved one have been involved in any kind of electric scooter accident, it’s a good idea to consult with a Personal Injury lawyer about your case. If you hit a pothole or broken sidewalk or there was a malfunction with your electric scooter, it’s important to have an electric scooter lawyer review your case. You may be entitled to compensation to pay for medical bills, wage loss, and other expenses related to your e-scooter injuries.

If you have been injured or if you have lost a loved one in an electric scooter accident in Detroit or anywhere in Michigan, contact the skilled and proven team at Joseph Dedvukaj Firm Personal Injury Lawyers at Call 1-866-HIRE-JOE or complete our Contact Form to schedule a free case review with a e-scooter lawyer in Michigan.

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