Auto Accident 2.04.2022

Dangers of Excessive Speed: Why is Speeding Illegal, and What are the Legal Consequences?

In Michigan and other states, it uniformly illegal to drive over the speed limit. You can also be deemed over speed if “unsafe” for traffic or weather conditions. Operating a motor vehicle over the posted speed limit by any amount can be extremely dangerous to the driver, passengers, and others sharing the roadway. Although you may not be consciously thinking about your speed while in route to your destination, it is very important to pay attention to your speed on the road. Speeding is not only known factor to contribute to many resulting crashes, but the driver or culpable party can also face serious civil or criminal legal consequences.

Why is Speeding Dangerous?

Speeding means you are driving over the posted speed limit. Speeding can also be due to other risky behavior such as driving too fast for weather conditions on the road such as rain, sleet, snow, or ice, or driving carelessly through road work construction zones. Some of the most common dangers caused by excess speed include but are not limited to the following:

  • Increased occurrence of rollover accidents
  • Increased potential for loss of control as a driver
  • Higher severity of crash energy if accident does occur
  • Reduced perception time
  • Decreasing the amount of distance needed to safely stop a vehicle
  • Reduced reaction time

Speeding can also frequently lead to speeding tickets and points on your state driver license record, increase your insurance rates, increase wear, and tear on your vehicle, and increase your cost of fuel usage.

Why do Drivers Speed?

In most cases people have a reason for speeding, which is often unrelated to aggressive behavior. Some key reasons which may play a role in why drivers speed include traffic congestion, running late, as well as simple disregard for the speed law.


Don’t let your frustration for traffic while driving through rush hour traffic, which are known to increase a driver’s aggressiveness and result in speeding. Drivers who become frustrated by traffic tend to engage in improper lane changes frequently or express road rage toward other drivers sharing the road.


If you are running late getting to your work place, meetings, school, appointments, or other routine activities of daily living is common and can be a big factor in why drivers speed.


In some cases, drivers speed for sheer excitement or pleasure without showing any signs of aggressiveness or road rage. Speeding can simply be the result of total disregard for the speed law because of one’s own personal agenda or desire to get somewhere faster.

Accidents Caused by Excessive Speed

In the United States, nearly one-third of all car crashes are the result of excessive speed. One thing is certain, you have control for your speed. When you drive too fast for conditions you have less time to react to other drivers on the road or changing road conditions. There are many common accidents related to speed, including:

Your excessive speed can be a factor in basically causing any type of moving accident. High speeds also increase the severity of injury and the fatality rates and cause excessive property damage compared to accidents where lower speeds are involved.

Safety Tips to Avoid Crashes Caused by Speeding

You will find that getting behind the wheel can easy result in mindlessly forgetting the watch for the posted speed limit, because you’re in a hurry, or you  became frustrated and aggressive while on the road. To prevent accidents or other dangers caused by speeding, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination. You should leave early rather than start off late, and give yourself extra time to get to your destination may reduce your inclination or need to speed.
  • Be patient. While other drivers on the road may be frustrated or even infuriate with you behind the wheel, stay calm, actively focused on keeping your cool so that you and others arrive at their destinations safely.

Legal Consequences of Speeding

The legal consequences of speeding vary widely depending on the circumstances for the speeding violation. If a driver is pulled over by the police he or she may receive a speeding ticket resulting in points added to their driver license record. Michigan Ticket fines and court costs can range anywhere between $90 and $400, depending on your speed over the posted speed limit, the state laws, and your driving record.

For first- or second-time offenders, you won’t likely lose your driver license unless you have significant points on your record. If you get three or more violations within past three years, that risk increases. Where speed is a factor in addition to other driving violations, penalties and consequences may be higher or different altogether.

Steps to Take Following A speeding Accident

Car crashes and other auto accidents can be scary, especially when high speeds are involved. If you are involved in an auto accident, you should follow these steps to ensure safety:
1. Stay calm and get to safety
2. Check yourself and others for injuries
3. Seek immediate medical attention
4. Call 911 for help
5. Take photos documenting the accident scene
6. Collect contact Information from witnesses and all parties involved
7. Inform your insurance company
8. Contact an auto accident attorney

Contact An Attorney For Car Accidents Today

If you or a loved one have been involved in an auto accident as a result of speeding, contact the Michigan attorneys of The Joseph Dedvukaj Firm today. The lawyers at Joseph Dedvukaj law firm can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call 1-248-352-2110, dial toll free 1-866-HIRE-JOE, or fill out the online contact form for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

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