No Fees Unless We Win
Auto Accident 11.08.2021

How To Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

May Is Motorcycle Safety And Awareness Month

In the Spring, Michigan’s brutally cold winter has come and gone, so motorcycle enthusiasts are excited to go out in the open air and explore on their motorcycle. Michigan bikers know that the risk of a motorcycle accidents rise in the spring-summer because more motorists hit the road then. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,  Head injury is a leading cause of death in motorcycle crashes. This is a wakeup call. At the Joseph Dedvukaj Firm, we see all too often just how serious Michigan motorcycle accidents can lead to serious injury or death. What can we do to prevent motorcycle crashes and deaths.  

Motorcycles Are More Likely To Be Involved In Accident Than A Passenger Vehicle.

Unfortunately, the leading cause of motorcycle deaths is the failure to wear a helmet. According to the Center for Disease control, we know helmets save lives and reduce the risk of death by 37% and reduce the risk of head injury by 69%.

Drivers of passenger vehicle, many times fail to recognize that  they share the road with motorcycles. Sometimes, we are able to prevent accidents from happening purely by being aware of our surroundings.

Due to the smaller size, the motorcycles is harder to see. Important safety precautions for motorcycle drivers are:

  • Always Double-check your blind spots before changing direction.
  • Always maintain a safe distance in front of you, especially in poor weather conditions.
  • Always slow down going through intersections.
  • Always check to make sure your mirrors are in the proper position.

Expert Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

If you or anyone you know has been injured in a car or motorcycle accident? Once you have alerted the authorities and received medical treatment, call the joseph dedvukaj firm at 248-352-2110 or toll free at 866-447-3563 for help. You can also request more information and schedule a free case evaluation today.

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No Fees Unless We Win
The Joseph Dedvukaj Firm, P.C represents Michigan clients in a full range of personal injury matters. If you have been injured, contact us for a free consultation.
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