Auto Accident 1.26.2022

Red Traffic Light Intersection Accidents. What You Need To Know.

All too often, red light violators don’t realize that even low speed side impact crashes can be deadly because of the relatively little protection alongside of a vehicle, in which are large amount of force can be transferred directly to the victim.

NTHS reports that approximately one–third of all intersection fatalities occur at signalized intersections. Although intersections with traffic lights are designed with safety in mind, the drivers can be negligent resulting in devastating injuries.

Traffic signals are often chosen to improve the smooth operation, and in some cases may represent a trade–off between safety and traffic flow. Some proven counter-measures that have been used to reduce crashes at signalized intersections include:

  • Backplates with retroflected borders
  • Leading pedestrian interval to make intersections safer to keep pedestrians from being hit by a car  
  • Yellow change intervals to allow more time for vehicles, motorcycles, and pedestrians to clear the intersection

Our automobile accident personal injury law firm hopes people will be safer if they understand that the Federal Highway Administration found the following helpful ten things’ that drivers don’t know about red light running:

  • Your or your loved ones are more likely to be injured due to a red light running related to crash than any other type of crash.
  • Run a red light or other traffic control device is found to be the most common cause of all urban crashes.
  • Statistics estimate that someone runs a red light an average of every 20 minutes at urban intersections.
  • In the last decade, red light running crashes killed nearly 9,000 people.
  • An estimate 165,000 motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians are injured annually by red light runners.
  • Half of the people killed by red light runners are not the signal violators – they are passengers, other motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists.
  • Nearly 93% of drivers believe running a red light is unacceptable, yet 1 in 3 drivers reported doing so in the past 30 days.
  • There are an average of 7 fatal crashes and over 1,000 injury crashes every day at signalized intersections across the United States.
  • The cost to society for all crashes exceeds $230 Billion every year.
  • The tragedies and costs resulting from red light running are preventable
  • Car accident crashes rank among the leading causes of death in the United States. Car crashes are also the leading causes of death to children, teens, and young adults up to the age of 34 years old.

How You Can Help Stop Red Light Tragedies?

Every driver has the responsibility to avoid running a red light to protect themselves and others. Here is what you can do:

  • Every driver needs to do their part by stopping at a red light:
  • Remember the slogan “Stop on red – Nobody Dead”:
  • Every driver needs to decide now that they will always be prepared to stop on red as a driver, motorcyclist, or pedestrian
  • Always obey the posted speed limits so you have time and space to stop prior to entering the intersection.

You should  also practice using the following defensive driving tips to protect yourself and your loved ones from red light runners:

  • Intersections can be dangerous when the light turns green, look in all directions for red light runners before proceeding thru the intersection whether you are driving a vehicle, bicycle, or walking.
  • You should take red lights seriously by doing the following:
  • Talk about the dangers of red light running with friends, family, and co-workers
  • Volunteer to support a stop red light running campaign in your community.

Remember, if your run a red light, you are betting more than you can afford to lose – your life, your loved ones and others sharing the road.

What Are Some Of The Possible Consequences of Running A Red Light?

The following are the possible consequences of running a red light:

  • A ticket and moving violation points on your driving record
  • Damage to your vehicle
  • Higher insurance costs
  • A lengthy, expensive hospital stay and recovery from injury
  • Irreversible consequences if you injure or kill someone else.
  • If you kill someone by running a red light you could be charged with negligent homicide.

What If The Other Driver Tried to Beat The Yellow Light?

Don’t try to beat the red light by going through the yellow light because. Your yellow light at an intersection should last long enough that a vehicle traveling at the posted speed can either:

  • Always apply the brakes and comfortably and safely decelerate to a complete stop prior to reaching the front of the intersection; or
  • Maintain the same speed and safely clear the intersection.  

Need A Lawyer After A Red Light Car Accident?

Liability for an accident at an intersection with a red light can be tricky and complicated, depending on the circumstances of the accident. If you have been seriously injured or a loved one was fatally hurt by the negligence of a driver who ran a red light, you and your family may be entitled to significant compensation.

Please call The Joseph Dedvukaj Firm today at 1-866-HIRE-JOE today for a free consultation and case review. Our car accident personal injury lawyers serve clients throughout Michigan.

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The Joseph Dedvukaj Firm, P.C represents Michigan clients in a full range of personal injury matters. If you have been injured, contact us for a free consultation.
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