American workers drive commercial trucks, cars, buses, vans, and heavy vehicles on a regular basis as an integral part of work responsibilities. Regardless of socioeconomic status, every hard working man and woman driving a motor vehicle while at work is at risk of being injured or killed in an auto accident.
In the United States, the transportation activity on the job can result in work-related car accidents to every imaginable occupation such as uber drivers, lyft drivers, truck drivers, truck drivers, bus drivers, and delivery drivers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics motor vehicle transportation crashes are the first or second leading cause of work related deaths in every major industry group. According to the CDC, in 2018, approximately 57% of workers that died were not employed in motor vehicle operator type jobs. This means that any worker is vulnerable to being fatally or seriously injured on the job.
Naturally, industries like transportation, forestry, warehousing, construction, and delivery whose primary function is using heavy trucks and machinery to transport goods will have the highest vehicle crash rate.
In Michigan, workers compensation benefits are usually available through the employer for all work related injuries and accidents, crashes, and collisions. You can be on the job or on the employer’s premises when the work injury occurs to qualify for Michigan workers compensation benefits. However, workers make the common mistake of not contacting a work related injury lawyer to fully investigate their claim. You have a right to explore and seek full compensation for your work related injuries. You should contact an expert work related injury attorney to explore whether your specific on the job injury accident has any responsible parties, which legally must pay for your pain and suffering damages. Don’t overlook work related compensation to deserve because you would be twice victimized if you did so. Your rights to substantial worker related compensation may expire of you don’t meet the proper deadlines.
If you or a loved have been involved in a work related auto accident or other on the job worker injury incident, your rights depend on the experience of your job injury attorneys understanding of Michigan’s workers’ compensation law. At The Joseph Dedvukaj Firm, our work injury lawyers have represented injured workers and families for over 27 years. We can help you pursue your rights under the Michigan workers’ compensation act and file your worker’s compensation litigation claim or worker’s compensation bureau dispute for you.
Call us now for a free confidential workers compensation accident consultation at 248-352-2110 or Toll Free at 1-866-447-3563.