Auto Accident 10.31.2021

How To Avoid Work Zone Crash Accidents?

 Michigan construction work zone accidents are avoidable. Be aware that construction work zones are changing and dynamic areas where it only takes a split second for a distracted driver in a work zone to hurt or kill someone. You can keep yourself and others safe by slowing down and staying focused on the road ahead to any potential hazards or changes in traffic conditions to avoid a work zone injury crash.

  • Be a defensive driver. The speed limit is usually reduced, traffic lanes may be closed, traffic lanes may change, and workers, vehicles, or equipment may appear in your path of travel without warning.
  • Avoid distractions. Stop cellphone use and pay full attention to the road. Avoid other distractions such as passengers, radio fiddling, while driving in a work zone. The highest number of distracted driving accidents in Michigan’s most populated cities.
  • Obey Road Signs. Construction road signs give advance warning about construction zones. You should obey the signs if they tell you to slow down, merge or stop. Obey Construction Workers. Sometimes construction zone workers will be instructing you to stop or change direction. Crews know what is happening in the work zone so obey their traffic safety instructions.
  • Don’t speed in Construction Zone. In Michigan, the construction zones have reduced speed, so the fines are doubled for speeding in a work zone.  Automatically slow down when you see signs of construction zone.
  • Don’t Follow other vehicles too close or tailgate. Keep an assured clear distance from vehicles ahead because they may stop quickly. Leave safe distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you.  
  • Pay attention to Roadway. Vehicles ahead of you may slow, stop, or change lanes unexpectedly in a work zone. Watch for brake lights and be prepared to react to changing traffic conditions.
  • Don’t get nervous but stay calm. Work zones are common in today infrastructure reconstruction environment. You should stay calm at all times.

Interstate highway traffic and street traffic may have to be detoured using signs that suddenly change the direction of traffic. The detour sign may direct drivers to cross over other crossroads or intersections. Wherever you are driving, avoid putting yourself and others at risk of accident and serious personal injury by driving sober, staying off your phone and away from distractions, wearing your seatbelt, and always obey traffic laws and posted speed limits.

Michigan Work Zone Auto Accident Injury Lawyers

If you have been injured in a Michigan driving accident while traveling through a work or construction zone, the attorneys at the Joseph Dedvukaj Firm, P.C., are ready to use our three decades of experience to help you recover from your injuries and financial losses. The compensation you receive from a lawsuit can help ease financial burdens, but it can also help deter future conduct putting driving risks on the people. If you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle injury accident, contact us today for your FREE consultation at 248-352-2110 or toll free at 1-866-447-3563.

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The Joseph Dedvukaj Firm, P.C represents Michigan clients in a full range of personal injury matters. If you have been injured, contact us for a free consultation.
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