Auto Accident 12.31.1969

October Is National Pedestrian Safety Month

Statistics show that 6 in 10 American engage in various daily walking activities such as exercising, walking to work, or other activities. Almost everyone is a pedestrian that is at risk of being hit by a motorist. In October the NHTSA is starting a campaign to make motorists aware of pedestrians. Look around you when you walk outside, and you will see cars are all around you and therefore you are  more likely to be injured by a car than anything else.

You are a pedestrian if you are a person on foot. You can be walking, jogging, standing running etc. People can be hit by a car in parking lots, driving ways, sidewalks, roads, or crosswalks.

Pedestrian Traffic Crash Statistics

  • In 2019, the number of people injured in a motor vehicle increased to 76000. 
  • An estimated 6,205 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes.
  • In 2019, a pedestrian was injured every 7 minutes and injured every eighty-five minutes in traffic crashes.
  • In 2019, alcohol was involved in 46% of the reported fatal accidents.
  • In 2019, 20 percent of pedestrians killed were involved in a hit and run accident.

Pedestrians Are Everyplace

October is the month to  emphasize to motorists that pedestrians are everywhere. Motorist should expect to encounter pedestrians anywhere a person can walk. Motorists need to remain alert behind the wheel and careful to respect the rights of pedestrians.

Motorists are reminded to turn off their cellphones when in a car. Distracted driving is dangerous to the safety of all people, especially pedestrians and other drivers using the road. If you are distracted, you can easily hit a pedestrian or cause crash with another motorist.

Motorists Safety Tips

Drivers need to understand and practice the rules applicable to pedestrians. Drivers are safer in vehicles, so they need to be aware of people on foot that are vulnerable to being serious injured if hit by a car. NHTSA is reminded motorist about safe:

  • Keep a proper look-out for pedestrians can be anywhere.
  • Be careful at night and bad weather conditions. 
  • Slow down near crosswalks and be ready to stop.
  • Always yield to pedestrians in crosswalk.
  • Never go around vehicles stopped at a crosswalk because you may hit a pedestrian not visible.
  • Never operate a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Never speed, especially pedestrians.
  • Lower speed limits in school zones and areas where children can be such as residential areas.
  • Be extra careful while backing up because pedestrians can suddenly appear.

Pedestrian Safety Risks

Michigan pedestrians are at higher risk of injury because their body is unprotected. In 2019, every 7 minutes there was a pedestrian injured in a traffic crash. Many pedestrians don’t expect to be hit by a car walking. However, as a pedestrian should take the following safety precautions:

  • Use traffic signals whenever possible. 
  • Make eye contact with the driver of a vehicle. 
  • Expect drivers can hit you so following pedestrian rules and signs is important. 
  • Always use sidewalks if available.
  • If walk on the shoulder or road surface, walk towards traffic. 
  • Don’t be distracted by portable devices.
  • If possible use crosswalks or intersections to cross 
  • Always check for cars in all directions, before crossing the street.
  • If no crosswalk or intersection, always choose the best location to cross and check for vehicles.
  • Wear Clothing appropriate to be seen.
  • Pay attention to cars coming in and out of driveways or backing up.
  • Do not consume alcohol or drugs when walking because they impair you coordination and judgment.

Michigan Pedestrian Injury Accident Attorneys 

If you have been involved in any kind of pedestrian accident, you should consult a Personal Injury Accident lawyer with 30 years of experience about your claim. Pedestrians tend to be most vulnerable to being hit by a car, and if hit by a car, a pedestrian can be seriously injured or disabled from work.

Contact the skilled and knowledgeable personal injury team at 248-352-2110 or toll free at 1-866-4447-3563 or complete our Contact Form to schedule a free no obligation consultation. We are confident in our ability to get you the compensation you deserve so we give you the no win, no fee guarantee. 

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